Today, besides working on our Stirling Engine, John and I performed three experiments on current induction using a lemon battery, a solar panel, and a hand-crank generator. We were lucky enough also to have Lucas grace our team with his collaborative presence.
All three systems were capable of generating a flow of electrons, or a current. Why?
· In the lemon battery, we exhibited classic electrochemical principles by introducing a galvanized zinc screw and a copper penny to the fruit’s body. The lemon-battery then acted as a galvanic cell, featuring an oxidation-reduction reaction between the citric acid and each of the zinc and copper metals. In the citric acid electrolyte, the nail served as the anode and the copper as the cathode. Following the net ionic equations below, electrons travelled from the anode through the electrolyte to the cathode.
Anode (oxidation):
· In the solar cell, we exhibited a generated current from the basis of semiconductors involving silicon atoms doped with either gallium or arsenic to create either an n type or p type semiconductor. These semiconductors are linked up to create a type of transistor that when heated allows energy to flow because of the moving electrons that a semiconductor puts out and thus creating a current. This induced current creates an induced voltage that we measure with a voltmeter.
· In the hand crank generator, we used the principle of magnetic inductance to create and induced emf or voltage. By spinning a magnet and thus changing the magnetic field through a loop of wire we change the flux. This flux is related to the induced emf because the magnetic field causes electrons to flow in the wire. This induced current leads to an induced emf and thus voltage or energy can be measured.